Chicago Community Health Response Corps
Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) and The Partnership as the Lead Coordinating Organization (LCO) will work in conjunction with the subcontracted community-based organizations (CBOs) to help them hire, manage, train, and staff the Community Health Response Corps across prioritized communities. The Partnership and the Community Health Response Corps (CHRC) will work with CDPH to address the priority concerns identified by the City, CDPH, and community-based organizations in prioritized neighborhoods. The goals of this Response Corps are to:
• Create public health workforce employment and training opportunities for people who live in communities that are most affected by health and economic inequities.
• Increase community members’ connections to and utilization of resources to mitigate the social, economic, and health impacts of the pandemic.
• Equip Chicagoans with health knowledge and resources to achieve their desired health outcomes
• Continue efforts to promote resilience against COVID-19 and other public health threats in high-risk communities.